
In-Kind"ness" Goes a Long Way!

We want to help share your purpose. MissionPrint is proud to support organizations by providing in-kind donations that celebrate community, faith, causes, students, teams and more.  

Donation Request Guidelines: 

  • Organizations must be a 501 (c)(3) and align with MissionPrint’s Mission, Vision and Values. 
  • Our team will review each in-kind donation request and reserves the right to provide or deny product donations for any reason.  
  • We ask that organizations request one donation annually. 
  • Donation requests must be made at least six weeks before the event date.  
  • MissionPrint donated products cannot be sold for profit. 
  • MissionPrint can use your event, product donation and testimonial on marketing materials for promotional purposes. 

Best of luck with your event or fundraiser! Don’t forget to tag MissionPrint in all of your promotions so we can hear more about it.  

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