Missionprint Blog

Affordable Political Campaign Marketing Materials

Written by Admin | September 11, 2024

Running a political campaign is no walk in the park! Whether you're out drumming up support for a local office or a school board seat, or spreading the word about an upcoming referendum that could impact city or county taxes, guiding a campaign all the way to the polls on Election Day takes some serious effort. While the big political campaigns often steal the spotlight, it’s the grassroots hustle that really makes a difference in local community elections.

To make sure voters know exactly who or what they’re backing when Election Day arrives, you’ll want to stock up on the perfect promotional products for your campaign. Think eye-catching signs, must-have canvassing materials, and fun merchandise to help fundraise for your campaign. This can add up cost-wise if you don’t know where to look or what to get. Check out these top-notch printed campaign materials that are perfect for marketing, especially if you're working on a budget.

Political Campaign Print Essentials

Yard signs are the trusty sidekick of any political campaign! If people don’t know about your candidacy, they won’t be able to support you at the polls. Political yard signs are a simple yet powerful way to spread the word about your campaign, especially if you don’t have time to shake every hand in the neighborhood before the election.

These signs can be strategically placed near polling sites as a last-minute nudge for voters heading in to cast their ballots. Supporters can also proudly display them in their yards, making your campaign visible to people driving, walking, or biking every day. Just be sure to review your local rules on where and when these signs can be put up. Some states have specific guidelines, only allowing signs 60 days before the election and requiring them to be whisked away within 48 hours after the polls close.

Door-to-Door Political Canvassing Materials 

Going door-to-door might not be a breeze, but spreading the word about who you are and what you stand for is absolutely essential! Meeting people face-to-face gives them a chance to ask questions and discover why you’re running or why you support (or oppose) a particular referendum. This personal touch can be a game-changer, especially in local elections where turnout tends to be lower than in the big national races. That’s why it’s so important to pull out all the stops when it comes to marketing your political campaign to the community. 

When you’re out there canvassing, you’ll want to have a few must-have printed materials in your toolkit. Top of the list? Flyers! If you get the chance to chat with someone, hand them a flyer with all your key info. Political flyers should be simple, straightforward, and memorable. They’re an affordable way to make sure people remember your name, what you’re running for, and when to show up at the polls. Plus, flyers are versatile—they’re perfect for canvassing, campaign events, public gatherings, and booths. It’s a triple win that can help you build the momentum you need to secure a victory on Election Day!

With fewer people answering their doors these days, leaving behind printed campaign materials like door hangers is a smart move. Unlike flyers that can easily blow away, door hangers are simple, non-intrusive calling cards that won’t leave residents annoyed or cleaning up loose political flyers from their yards.

For an even smaller and more cost-effective option, try using business cards. These can be turned into nifty political palm cards, also known as push cards, perfect for handing out to potential supporters. Small enough to fit in your wallet, pocket, or purse, they’re a handy tool for spreading your message on the go. Plus, you can pass them to your supporters, giving them an easy way to share your campaign news during both planned and spontaneous chats. Every card counts, and every card can make a difference!

From Front Doors to Mailboxes: Letters for Voters 

Another effective way to reach voters is through their mailboxes. While it may not be as personal as face-to-face interactions, sending out political postcards ensures that everyone hears about your campaign, especially if some folks aren’t home when you and your team are canvassing certain neighborhoods. Snail mail also allows for highly targeted messaging without the hefty price tag of big ads. Sending postcards to the neighborhoods you’re focusing on is a simple yet effective way to keep your campaign on everyone’s radar.

And don’t forget the power of snail mail for fundraising too. You can send out donation requests on official, customized letterhead, or go for a personal touch with handwritten notes asking for both their vote and a contribution. A little bit of personalization can work wonders!

Political Swag: Campaign Merchandise to Fundraise 

Nothing beats a well-stocked political swag shop to inspire others! By investing in affordable campaign merchandise, you can sell these items to raise extra funds for your campaign, boosting your resources to work with during election season.

Consider a variety of fun printed political merchandise, such as:

  • Car Magnets
  • Stickers
  • Buttons 

Car magnets are like a mobile billboard for your campaign! Whether you’re showing off larger magnets on your car doors or smaller bumper stickers, these handy pieces of swag make sure that everyone in town sees your campaign while you’re driving to work, running errands, or hanging out with friends.

While “I voted” stickers are a staple of election season, customized stickers with your campaign’s message are a fantastic and budget-friendly way to spread the word. Hand them out for free at events, or ask for small donations to give your campaign a little extra boost.

Political buttons aren’t just fun accessories—they’re a must-have for anyone out there campaigning or on Election Day! They act as important reminders to vote and let folks know you’re the go-to person for all things related to your candidate or cause.

Political Promotional Items to Spruce up Your Campaign 

Depending on your campaign strategy, there are plenty of ways to jazz up your presence! If you’re planning to campaign at local events like farmers’ markets or festivals, think about transforming your booth with customized printed materials. This could include a personalized tablecloth, an eye-catching political banner to hang behind your booth, table tents, and brochures. Together, these items can turn a simple table into a dynamic space that clearly communicates what you’re campaigning for and why. These materials are versatile too—they’re perfect for fundraisers, rallies, and other campaign events.

From Promotion to Polls: Running a Successful Political Campaign 

Running a successful political campaign requires time, energy, and effort. Even with a small budget, you can still make a big splash with the right political marketing materials. You can sign up here to design custom political materials that you can digitally download and print yourself or have delivered right to your door. From promotion to polls, we’re here to help you get the materials you need to run a winning campaign!